In What Age Your Child Should Learn Swimming Without Getting Bored

In What Age Your Child Should Learn Swimming Without Getting Bored

In What Age Your Child Should Learn Swimming Without Getting Bored

If you have recently become a parent, you are probably wondering at what age your child should learn to swim. This issue may be more important than it seems: A child who does not know how to swim will have problems in summer when visiting the beach or a pool.

Knowing the exact age at which your child has to learn to swim is key for him to acquire the technique as soon as possible. In this way, he will be able to survive in the water without the risk of drowning.

Another relevant aspect in this sense is how to teach a child to swim, since being small they may get bored or learn slower than desired.

Below we explain at what age your child should start swimming lessons and how to teach it.

When should your child learn to swim?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by new parents, especially during the summer or when this time approaches.

Everything will depend on the degree of maturity and motor capacity of the child. It is the parents who have to decide when the best time, always within this age range is.

In any case, swimming lessons mustn’t be delayed beyond 4 years.

At these ages, children can learn to float, pedal, and look for an exit point. From the age of 4, a child is ready to start swimming crawl, or doggy style.

How to teach your child to swim without getting bored

Another aspect that you should take into account is how to teach your child to swim so that they do not get bored. He should go to swimming classes. However, you can teach him some essential notions to survive in the water.

These are the tips provided by the experts consulted by SwimJim, Inc.:

Short sessions: Doing short weekly or daily sessions is best so that the child does not get bored; if you see that he has an aversion to water, it will be recommended that you stop.

Start with the legs: The first thing children have to learn is to kick in the water; they can do it while protected by a float.

Be careful with breathing: You can play games so that they put their head under the water and hold their breath, even if it is for just a few seconds. This is how they learn not to swallow it.

Move the arms: Once he can put his face in the water, the child has to learn to move his arms, alternating this movement with kicks.

Take care of the material: Use objects such as floats, armbands, or churros, because this way your child will not get bored and want to learn.

Remember that learning to swim is not just about a distraction: It is a matter of safety so that water does not pose a problem for your children.