How Smoke Curtains Ensure Fire Safety

How Smoke Curtains Ensure Fire Safety

How Smoke Curtains Ensure Fire Safety

Taking out flames isn’t the only thing that needs attention during a fire outbreak. Smoke inhalation is responsible for about half of all fire-related fatalities.

This is a stark reality that shows how necessary it has become to have smoke management strategies in place – where smoke curtains are a must.

What Are Smoke Curtains?

Smoke curtains are specialized fire safety devices made to contain smoke and heat during a fire.

These are made from fire-resistant materials and deployed automatically or manually to form a barrier. This barrier helps control the spread of smoke and heat within a building.

Operational Mechanics of Smoke Curtains

Suppose a fire breaks out on one floor of a multi-story building. Without smoke curtains, smoke would probably rise through stairwells and elevator shafts, quickly reaching and filling up upper floors and making it harder to get people out and help them.

When they are put up, smoke curtains block the flow of smoke, making other parts of the building safer for both people inside and firefighters who are responding to the fire.

Main Benefits of Installing Smoke Curtains


Smoke curtains divide a building into smaller sections, or “compartments,” which helps keep the fire from spreading to other parts of the building. It is easier to get out of the building when it is divided into sections, and firefighters can also better control the fire.

More Visibility

Keeping smoke out, these curtains make it much easier to see. This is needed for safe evacuations and for firefighters to get around the building quickly.

Creation of Safety Havens

Smoke curtains can make temporary “safe havens,” especially in buildings where everyone may not be able to leave right away because of mobility issues or other issues.

People can stay in these areas until they can safely leave or be rescued. They can stay protected from smoke and heat.

Reduction in Damage

Smoke curtains help keep property damage and the loss of valuables to a minimum by stopping the spread of smoke and heat. This lowers the overall impact and cost of fire damage.

Types of Smoke Curtains

Vertical Smoke Curtains

When hung from the ceiling to block off doorways, openings, or atriums, these curtains stop smoke from rising through these areas.

Horizontal Smoke Curtains

When these curtains are put up in big open spaces like atriums or auditoriums, they block smoke from rising to higher floors.

Draft Curtains

Air flow is improved and smoke is extracted with the help of draft curtains, which are common in industrial settings. They keep hot gases from building up near ceilings.

Perimeter Curtains

For smoke to stay in these main areas and not spread to other parts of the building, they work like invisible walls around the stairs and escalators.

Integrating Smoke Curtains into Fire Safety Plans

Fire safety measures should include working alarms, sprinkler systems, fire-resistant materials, and clear evacuation plans, as well as smoke curtains.

This multi-layered approach to fire safety gives people the best protection against fire risks.

Action Steps During a Fire Alarm

If a fire occurs, it’s crucial to act swiftly and calmly. Here are steps to enhance your safety:

  1. Use the closest exit to leave the building as soon as possible.
  2. Follow fixed evacuation plans/emergency protocols.
  3. Use the back of your hand to feel doors before opening them.
  4. If visibility is reduced due to smoke, keep low to the ground while exiting.
  5. Focus on your safety first before you help others.
  6. Don’t re-enter the building when you’re safely out.
  7. Contact the fire department and inform them of the situation and any known trapped individuals.

If you’re considering adding smoke curtains to your property, call A1S Group for expert solutions.